MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.

Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panourile pot fi manevrate cu usurinta manual. Sistemul portant din grinzi: fara popi suplimentari de sustinere, mai putine elemente de asamblare. Cofrare fara decalaje si miscare libera a panourilor MevaDec si peste capetele cazatoare. Adaptare usoara la geometria cladirilor. Reducerea zonelor de compensare. Schimbare fara decalaje a directiei de cofrare. Siguranta sporita la intervale scurte de decofrare (8,0 N/mm²). Sistemul patentat cu cap cazator permite decofrarea timpurie. Popii raman nemiscati pentru sprijinire suplimentara. Avantajul sistemului: componentele identice pot fi utilizate in situatii diferite, iar pozitia si numarul popilor sunt intotdeauna indicate. 1 sistem - 3 metode: 1. Metoda panourilor; 2. Metoda grinzilor principale si secundare si 3. Metoda cap cazator - grinda - panou.

  • cofraj cu tact de 3 zile
  • un sistem cu sau fara foaie cofranta pentru toate tipurile de plansee
  • montare usoara, cu manevrare facila


Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec - prezentare detaliata

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Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec - instructiuni de montaj

instructiuni de montaj

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Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec - Lista de produse - prezentare detaliata

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Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec - Lista de produse

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cu MevaFlex

dimensiune - latime [cm]

dimensiune - latime [cm]

40; 60; 80; 160

dimensiuni - A×B [cm]

dimensiuni - A×B [cm]

160×160 (cel mai mare panou)

domeniu de utilizare

domeniu de utilizare

cofrare placi;
cofrare plansee

masa/suprafata [kg/m²]

masa/suprafata [kg/m²]

16 (panou standard de 160/80 cm)




Lighter and more ergonomic.

The requirements for slab formwork vary, depending on your project’s floor plan, room dimensions, ceiling height, slab thickness and underside of slab. MevaDec is the solution: a slab formwork system made up of aluminium sections and an integrated plastic forming facing.

MevaDec is designed to enable various slab formwork methods to be carried out using one single system. This means identical parts can be used for different applications, from the drop-head-beam-panel and primary-and-secondary-beam methods to the panel method. No matter which forming method is best for your construction project, the same components are always used. The system also allows the different methods to be combined, significantly reducing the number of filler areas.

MevaDec can be flexibly adapted to suit any building layout and any slab thickness. Minimised filler areas allow a quick and easy set up, while predefined prop spacing ensures safety and optimised material stock on site.

It’s lightweight, easy to clean and ergonomically designed for easy handling.

Flexible and efficient
Robust yet flexible, MevaDec is ideal for slab formwork applications in all areas.

Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Lightweight and safe

  • Weight-optimised system for ergonomic and efficient work
  • System defined prop spacing aids safety

One system – three slab-forming methods

  • Drop-head-beam-panel method (FTE)
  • Primary- and-secondary-beam method (HN)
  • Panel method (E)

Closed aluminium section

  • Ergonomic grip profile
  • High-quality cured powder-coated finish for easy cleaning and reduced concrete adhesion

Sophisticated MEVA product design

  • High-quality alkus all-plastic facing with seven-year warranty
  • Durable and easy to repair
  • Compatible with previous generation of MevaDec
  • Robust, lightweight panels with grip openings to simplify handling.
Technical Information
Materials Aluminium
Widths 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 160 cm
Lengths Primary Beam: 270cm, 210cm, 160cm and 80cm.
Secondary Beam: 160cm and 80cm.
Compensation Beam: 210cm, 160cm, 80cm, 60cm and 40cm.
Largest panel 160 x 160cm
Weight Standard panel 160/80cm weighs only 16kg/m²
Profile Closed profile for a high degree of stability and durability
Drophead stripping Yes
Protective coating Powder coating for high ease of cleaning and reduced concrete adhesion
Assembly Method 3 methods in one system: Drop-head-beam-panel method (FTE), Primary- and-secondary-beam method (HN), Panel method (E)
Connections MevaDec panel connector
Facings High-quality alkus all-plastic panel AL 10 – 7-year long-term warranty (FTE, E method) and optionally 3S, alkus or other alternatives (HN method)
Shoring MEP and MT 60 shoring towers, EuMax props
Compatibility Trouble-free connections to conventionally formed areas with MevaFlex
Safety Meva SpanSet, guard-railing posts and MEVA safety mesh, MAB working platform
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Drop-head-beam-panel method (FTE)
The FTE method uses only three components: panels, primary beams and props with drop heads. For almost all slab requirements.

Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Primary-and-secondary-beam method (HN)
The HN method uses only four components: primary beams, secondary beams, props with drop heads, and facings, enabling early stripping.

Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panel method (E)
The panel method (E) uses only two components: panels and props with prop heads.

The ideal option for building layouts and filler areas with small surface areas.

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Alte produse ale companiei
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60

Sistemul modular MT60 se caracterizeaza prin securitate built-in si capacitate portanta inalta. Se monteaza rapid si simplu pe teren si poate fi folosit pentru cofrarea planseelor de diferite inaltimi, respectiv pentru diverse functii de sprijinire. MT60 este compatibil cu sistemul de cofraje pentru plansee MevaDec. Compatibil cu sistemul MevaFlex, cu sistemul meselor cofrante, cu structuri cu grinzi din aluminiu, respectiv este compatibil cu sistemul MEP.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 reprezinta noua dimensiune a cofrajelor de diafragma, avand o inaltime standard de 3,50 m, respectiv simetrie absoluta la ancorare si rostuire. Elementul de baza are doua inaltimi, de 350 si 250 cm si se poate asambla pe orizontala sau pe verticala, astfel acopera o suprafata de cofrare de 8,75 m². Sistemul poate fi utilizat in constructiile industriale civile, speciale, de locuinte.

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Card produs
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC

Sistemele de cofraje cataratoare MEVA MAC sunt proiectate in functie de nevoile specifice ale clientului. Sistemul automat de catarare MEVA (MAC) se extinde hidraulic ca o singura unitate, simplificand procesul de constructie si sporind siguranta, comparativ cu sistemele de catarare in care fiecare platforma urca individual. De asemenea, este independent de macara, economisind timp si bani.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara

AluFix este un cofraj de mana in sine. Sistemul de cofraje cu caracteristic tehnice de nivel inalt, la un raport pret-performanta imbatabil. Ideal pentru constructii civile si renovari, respectiv in lucrari de amenajare a teritoriului sau de infrastructura usoara. Dispune de un profil ergonomic care permite o manevrare usoara, care poate fi executat si de o singura persoana, astfel economisind forta de munca ori de cate ori santierul nu dispune de macara.

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Card produs
Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT
Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT

In situatia in care avem de cofrat pereti lungi cu inaltime mare, vine la indemana sistemul nou de ancorare dintr-o parte. Solutiile existente necesita accesorii suplimentare, respectiv cele doua laturi ale cofrajelor sunt diferite. Cu sistemul Mammut XT aceste probleme dispar. Sistemul nou, combina avantajele metodelor existente si elimina dezavantajele tehnice. Fiind sistem monobloc, se evita pierderea accesoriilor complementare.

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Card produs
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