
Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA - fisa tehnica

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Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA

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culoare / culori disponibile

culoare / culori disponibile

la cerere

dimensiune - adancime [mm]

dimensiune - adancime [mm]


dimensiune - grosime [mm]

dimensiune - grosime [mm]

50; 80 (stalp)

dimensiune - inaltime [mm]

dimensiune - inaltime [mm]

150-200 (panul de bariera);
600-2190 (stalp de sustinere)

domeniu de utilizare

domeniu de utilizare

imprejurul casei;
in fata portii;
in poarta;
intrare in casa

masa/lungime [kg/m]

masa/lungime [kg/m]







in fata deschiderii;
in deschidere;
in perete

tip aparitie

tip aparitie


Simple assembly, fast protection

Flooding is always a natural phenomenon and cannot be prevented. However, modern flood protection can prevent this phenomenon becoming a disaster.

Optimum protection against extreme weather conditions with mobile PREFA flood protection! The special aluminium profiles are ideally suited to sealing windows, doors or gates effectively and protecting land or adjacent areas near to riverbanks.

Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA
Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA
Stop logs (to protect buildings and land)

The profiles are made from robust, corrosion-resistant aluminium alloy and are suitable for long-term storage, thanks to their low maintenance requirements. Two profile thickness versions are available (50 mm and 80 mm). Higher structures and greater span widths are possible with the 80 system.
The aluminium profiles can simply be stacked on top of each other in a tongue and groove system. The interlocking stop logs ensure high stability and maximum safety. The profiles are pushed into the fixing profiles on both sides and fixed in place from above with clamping elements. Profiles are available in lengths up to 6 m and can be installed up to a height of 3 m. Structural analysis is recommended in all cases. The system seal consists of EPDM / foam rubber and can be replaced easily when necessary. After use, ensure that the profiles and seals are cleaned and checked to ensure guaranteed functionality for future use.

Stop logs
  50 system 80 system
Version thickness 50 mm 80 mm
Weight/rm 5,6 kg 6,97 kg
Height 150 mm 170 mm
Fold 15 mm 15 mm

Fixing profile (to protect buildings)

Solid fixing profiles can be mounted in three different ways: in, behind or in front of the jamb. The size of the fixing can be adapted to the structure as a whole, depending on structural requirements, and should be chosen individually for each case. The insertion of foam rubber seals stops water getting in.

Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA
Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA

Fixing supports (to protect land)

Weighs only 9,4 kg (50 mm system; 80 mm system - 11,3 kg) per running meter. Insert a ground sleeve in a suitable subsurface before initial installation. The supports are simply anchored into the ground sleeve via a bayonet socket, without any need for special tools. Additional bracing should be used if necessary.

Fixing support:
Diameter: 140 mm
Height: 600 - 2.190 mm
Versions: 50 or 80 mm thick.

Ground sleeve:
Diameter: 170 mm
Depth: 500 mm.

Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA
Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA

Stop logs (to protect buildings and land)

Two clamping elements are used to fix the logs in position from above Tighten the screws in the clamping element gently with a hexagonal spanner (alternative: screws with star-shaped head). The clamping elements prevent the profile from rising until the logs themselves fill with water, thus increasing the contact pressure of the seals. The clamping elements  can be removed at any time during use, in order to allow the system to be replenished.

Clamping element
Length: 160 mm
Weight: 0,45 kg.

Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA
Dig modular antiinundatii PREFA

Demountable flood barrier information


  • Demountable flood barrier made of aluminium
  • Sealing the profile with replaceable UV-resistant EPDM foam rubber seals
  • Provides protection as soon as the first panel has been laid 


  • Aluminium barrier panels are pushed into the mounting profiles or upright (anchored in the ground sleeves)
  • Barrier panels are stacked on top of one another via the tongue and groove system
  • The components are fixed at the top by a compression clamp
  • The barrier panels fill up as the level of the water rises, preventing them from floating


  • Property and perimeter protection
  • The length of the safety barrier can be extended as necessary
  • Existing safety barriers can be extended following a static test
  • Individual adaptation of the length of barrier panels.
Stiri conexe
Catalogul s-a imbogatit cu produsele firmei PREFA Hungaria Kft.
Materiale de invelire din aluminiu pentru acoperisuri si fatade, respectiv sisteme de jgheaburi
Catalogul s-a imbogatit cu produsele firmei PREFA Hungaria Kft.
Alte produse ale companiei
Tigla metalica pentru acoperis PREFA Classic
Tigla metalica pentru acoperis PREFA Classic

Tiglele metalice PREFA Classic, avand greutatea de doar 2,3 kg/m², sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai usoare si mai stabile materiale pentru invelirea acoperisurilor. Cu doar patru placi de tigle metalice se poate acoperi o suprafata de 1 m². 10 culori de baza PREFA si o gama larga de accesorii asigura crearea acoperisurilor exigente optic si de lunga durata.

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Card produs
Panou pentru acoperis PREFA FX.12
Panou pentru acoperis PREFA FX.12

Pot fi utilizate atat pentru acoperisuri, cat si pentru fatade. Dimensiunile panourilor mari este de 1400x420 mm, iar celor mici de 700x420 mm. Strat suport: pe astereala simpla continua sau cu membrana bituminoasa Fixare: fiecare panou se fixeaza cu holsurub sau cui.

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Card produs
Lamele metalice pentru fatada PREFA XL
Lamele metalice pentru fatada PREFA XL

Lamele metalice pentru fatada PREFA XL din aliaj de aluminiu vopsit. Caracteristicile estetice principale ale lamelelor metalice pentru fatada PREFA XL sunt: aluminiul natural si suprafata neteda. Grosime 0,7 mm; dimensiuni 840 x 240 mm, disponibile in 10 culori cu suprafata stucco.

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Card produs
Tigla metalica pentru acoperis PREFA Classic Placi metalice pentru acoperis PREFA R.16 Classic Sindrila metalica pentru acoperis PREFA Sindrila metalica pentru acoperis DS.19 PREFA
Invelitori metalice pentru acoperis PREFA
7 produse

Peste toate produsele PREFA, tigle metalice, sindrile metalice, placi metalice romboidale, tabla prefaltuita, jgheaburi si burlane se aplica un strat de vopsea electrostatica conforma cerintelor stricte ale ECCA (European Coil Coating Association) din Bruxelles.

7 produse
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Card produs
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz

Datorita flexibilitatii Prefalz, foile de tabla metalice prefaltuite sunt mai usor de modelat, decat majoritatea materialelor asemanatoare si, datorita acestui fapt, ofera designerilor o gama larga de posibilitati de aplicare in domeniul solutiilor de acoperis si de fatada. Versatil - de la acoperisuri arcuite suspendate la cele mai complexe constructii, acoperisuri tip cupola sau acoperisuri cu suprafata mare. Prelucrarea materialului se poate realiza economic, usor si fara probleme la temperaturi exterioare (sub 0° C). Panta acoperisului este recomandata sa fie de minim 7° (13%). Datorita calitatii inalte a lacului, tablele metalice prefaltuite au o durata de viata ridicata si sunt complet reciclabile.

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