MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.

Cofraje StarTec XT

Conexiunea combinata integrata a noului cofraj StarTec XT combina 3 moduri de conectare intr-un singur sistem, intre care se poate comuta cu usurinta, chiar si cu o singura miscare a mainii, fara a instala accesorii suplimentare. Astfel, cofrajele unilaterale, ofera avantajele unor timpi de cofrare semnificativ mai scurti. StarTec XT este pe deplin compatibil cu StarTec si cu obturatorul AluStar, nu necesita utilizarea macaralelor.

  • poate absorbi presiunea betonului proaspat de 60 kN/m²
  • conexiune combinata integrata, trei moduri de conexiuni cu o singura mana
  • complet compatibil cu StarTec si cu obturatorul AluStar


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Cofraje StarTec XT

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StarTec XT

capacitate portanta [kN/m²]

capacitate portanta [kN/m²]

60 (beton proaspat)

dimensiune - inaltime [cm]

dimensiune - inaltime [cm]

330; 270; 135

dimensiune - latime [cm]

dimensiune - latime [cm]

270; 240; 135; 90; 60; 49; 45; 30


Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT

StarTec XT is a real all-rounder for universal use in commercial and residential construction with a capacity of 60 kN/m² fresh concrete pressure. StarTec XT is fully compatible with StarTec and AluStar.

Product Characteristics


  • Forming area up to 8.91 m² per panel (330 x 270 cm)
  • Panel heights 330, 270 and 135 cm and only 8 panel widths for ­trouble-free corner solutions for all wall thicknesses


  • Permissible fresh-concrete pressure load (as per DIN 18218) of 60 kN/m² (DIN 18202, Table 3, line 6)
  • Universal use in commercial and residential housing construction

Closed frame profile made of steel

  • Structurally robust
  • Torsionally rigid
  • Hot-dip galvanised for easy cleaning and reduced concrete adhesion

Clever multi-function profile

  • Multi-function profile made of closed steel profile with welded-in DW 15 nuts for quick and secure attachment of accessories with only one a single part – the flange screw

Combination tie hole integrated into the frame with its ­rotating sphere for three tying methods in one system

  • No assembly time for additional parts and accessories
  • No loose parts
  • Simple handling

Initial and final formwork identical

Sophisticated MEVA product design

  • MEVA assembly lock to produce non-positive connections with just a few hammer blows
    Bump notches for panel widths of 135 cm and greater for simple alignment and adjustment with a crowbar
  • High-quality alkus all-plastic facing with 7-year warranty
  • Uniform flange screw for all accessories

Complete compatibility with StarTec and AluStar

One system – 3 tying methods

Every construction site is unique, and the formwork requirements vary from project to project. StarTec XT creates an ideal basis for this as the system ensures that you remain flexible and well equipped for every task. Thanks to the smart combination tie hole, it is possible to select between three tying methods with a flick of the wrist. Every panel can be used for both initial and final formwork without additional assembly work. This saves times and simplifies the logistics. With StarTec XT, there are no additional accessories that require complex and time-consuming assembly work.

The smart combination StarTec XT tie hole

Ties with tapered anchor sleeves or DW 20 threads – the combination tie hole makes them possible. By using an internal body that can be positioned as required with the XT lever, the tying method can be changed easily with a flick of the wrist. The combination tie hole is integrated into the frame, ­ensuring that no parts protrude. No installation and removal are required.

Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT

StarTec XT panels

The StarTec XT panel dimensions and symmetrical internal tie holes result in a uniform tie hole and joint pattern for the highest architectural-­concrete requirements. This applies to vertical, horizontal or a combination of vertical and horizontal formwork.

With the panel heights 330 cm, 270 cm and 135 cm as well as panel widths from 270 cm to 30 cm, StarTec XT enables quick adaptation to the geometry of the building. Thanks to the range of panels, all common wall thickness can be formed without filler areas.

Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT

StarTec corners

Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT
Stiri conexe
Briskly built architectural concrete walls with MEVA  StarTec XT wall formwork panels
Briskly built architectural concrete walls with MEVA StarTec XT wall formwork panels
StarTec XT with large 330/270 panels reduces labour and time requirement
Briskly built architectural concrete walls with MEVA StarTec XT wall formwork panels
New generation of wall formwork systems StarTec XT
New generation of wall formwork systems StarTec XT
The StarTec XT with the integrated combination tie hole unites three tying methods in one system. It is possible to switch between these with a flick of the wrist – without installing additional parts. You thus remain flexible and profit from significantly shorter formwork placing times when tying from one side. Another advantage: StarTec XT is fully compatible with StarTec and the lightweight, crane-independent AluStar.
New generation of wall formwork systems StarTec XT
Alte produse ale companiei
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panourile pot fi manevrate cu usurinta manual. Sistemul portant din grinzi: fara popi suplimentari de sustinere, mai putine elemente de asamblare. Cofrare fara decalaje si miscare libera a panourilor MevaDec si peste capetele cazatoare. Adaptare usoara la geometria cladirilor. Reducerea zonelor de compensare. Schimbare fara decalaje a directiei de cofrare. Siguranta sporita la intervale scurte de decofrare (8,0 N/mm²). Sistemul patentat cu cap cazator permite decofrarea timpurie. Popii raman nemiscati pentru sprijinire suplimentara. Avantajul sistemului: componentele identice pot fi utilizate in situatii diferite, iar pozitia si numarul popilor sunt intotdeauna indicate. 1 sistem - 3 metode: 1. Metoda panourilor; 2. Metoda grinzilor principale si secundare si 3. Metoda cap cazator - grinda - panou.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 reprezinta noua dimensiune a cofrajelor de diafragma, avand o inaltime standard de 3,50 m, respectiv simetrie absoluta la ancorare si rostuire. Elementul de baza are doua inaltimi, de 350 si 250 cm si se poate asambla pe orizontala sau pe verticala, astfel acopera o suprafata de cofrare de 8,75 m². Sistemul poate fi utilizat in constructiile industriale civile, speciale, de locuinte.

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Card produs
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex

MevaFlex este un sistem versatil si usor de utilizat pentru placi de lemn. Avantajul sau cel mai evident este flexibilitatea sa, care permite utilizarea sa optima in cazul planselor cu planuri de planseu complexe si in cazul placilor cu grosimi variabile si schimbatoare.

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Card produs
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60

Sistemul modular MT60 se caracterizeaza prin securitate built-in si capacitate portanta inalta. Se monteaza rapid si simplu pe teren si poate fi folosit pentru cofrarea planseelor de diferite inaltimi, respectiv pentru diverse functii de sprijinire. MT60 este compatibil cu sistemul de cofraje pentru plansee MevaDec. Compatibil cu sistemul MevaFlex, cu sistemul meselor cofrante, cu structuri cu grinzi din aluminiu, respectiv este compatibil cu sistemul MEP.

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Card produs
Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT
Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT

In situatia in care avem de cofrat pereti lungi cu inaltime mare, vine la indemana sistemul nou de ancorare dintr-o parte. Solutiile existente necesita accesorii suplimentare, respectiv cele doua laturi ale cofrajelor sunt diferite. Cu sistemul Mammut XT aceste probleme dispar. Sistemul nou, combina avantajele metodelor existente si elimina dezavantajele tehnice. Fiind sistem monobloc, se evita pierderea accesoriilor complementare.

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Categorii recomandate
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Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
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