The new ERCO Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art galleries

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Eclipse sets new standards in lighting technology

The lighting of museums – and other projects with similar requirements such as those in the luxury retail segment – places the highest demands on lighting tools. The interchangeable lens units with darklight lenses not only create a magical impression with only one light point. They also offer precise, uniform light distributions and wide flexibility in the choice of beam characteristics: ranging from miniaturised lighting in confined spaces with Minirail 48V track and wall washing in picture galleries to the display of large exhibits in halls and atria. An extensive range of accessories round off the system – and Eclipse also offers innovative connectivity solutions using wireless standards such as Casambi Bluetooth and Zigbee.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Eclipse in three product ranges

Would you like a very small luminaire on miniaturised track? Are you looking for a luminaire with an elegant Intrack adapter? Would you like to directly use Eclipse in your existing system? To be able to respond ideally to your needs, we have developed Eclipse in three different variants. With the three versions Eclipse 48V, Eclipse InTrack and Eclipse we offer the right concept for every application.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's - Eclipse 48V
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's - Eclipse 48V

Eclipse 48V – Elegant with small track

  • Small spotlight dimensions
  • Combination with the Minirail 48V track.
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's - Eclipse InTrack
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's - Eclipse InTrack

Eclipse InTrack – In all wattages and connectivity options

  • Five sizes
  • Extensive control options
  • Power supply unit elegantly concealed as InTrack in the 220-240V track.
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Eclipse – Optimised for existing systems
Transadapter for existing dimmable systems for combination with existing spotlights.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Light for small and large dimensions
Eclipse is available in five sizes – optimised for different applications. To come even closer to our maxim of "light instead of luminaires" we have significantly miniaturised the luminaire dimensions of Eclipse size XS to a diameter of only 32 mm.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Magical darklight lens for highest visual comfort
Eclipse projects light with its darklight lens as precisely as a camera lens focuses light. ERCO thus sets new standards in architectural lighting. The interchangeable darklight lens offers lighting designers maximum flexibility and observers maximum visual comfort.

  • Magical effect due to uniform light emission surface
  • The optical cut-off of up to 60° ensures maximum visual comfort and glare-free light enjoyment
  • Precise light distributions for point-precise illuminances with no spill light.
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

Everything from accenting to wallwashing
In-house developed optics exploit the full potential of efficiency and quality of light. The lenses guide the light with maximum precision, precisely defined light beams and high illuminances onto the target surface. From crisp-edged accen-tuation to uniform wallwashing – the complete bandwidth with just one luminaire range.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's

The best contour spotlight of its kind – 3x larger imaging area
The new Eclipse contour spotlight generates a very sharply defined light beam. As a result, fascinating effects can be created where crisply illuminated pictures appear to glow from within – ideal for museums and galleries.

The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
The new Eclipse professional spot light for museums and art gallery's
Produse mentionate in articol
Spot profesional pentru muzee si galerii de arta ERCO Eclipse
Spot profesional pentru muzee si galerii de arta ERCO Eclipse

Spotul profesional ERCO Eclipse, pentru iluminat muzee si galerii de arta, este dotat cu un sistem modular ce permite setarea temperaturii de culoare a spotului (de la cald la rece), dimmarea spotului si montarea unor lentile ce pot schimba distributia si dispersia luminii. Este unul dintre cele mai revolutionare produse din acest segment de piata destinat muzeelor si galeriilor de arta. Inglobeaza practic intregul know-how al companiei si a fost realizat pentru a oferi flexibilitate si modularitate cu un singur spot. Eclipse este disponibil in varianta: XS, S, M, L si XL si fiecare dintre aceste spoturi poate fi echipat cu diferite lentile, filtre de culoare, sistem de framing, difuzoare de lumina, conuri dispersoare, comanda wifi, sistem de dimmare manual sau wifi.

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