Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator

Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator

Façade design made easy

From single-family homes, hotels, restaurants, industrial buildings: simply select the desired property type with a click of the mouse and you can start experimenting with cladding patterns, decors and fastening types. 

You can immediately see how your designs look on the screen. If you are satisfied with your selection, save your project and immediately request your sample package from Pfleiderer via the product list!

Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator
Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator

Façades are “more than just a façade”! They beautify houses, protect the building exterior from wind and weather, but also make an important contribution to greater energy efficiency.

The Pfleiderer façade configurator helps you to put together the right façade for your property with just a few clicks! Simply select the type of building and put together the desired materials, decors and fastening systems. The result of your selection is immediately displayed in the building graphic. As soon as you have found your desired configuration, simply save it and order the samples directly in the tool!

Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator
Pfleiderer’s online façade configurator

To the façade configurator

Produse mentionate in articol
Placa compacta Duropal XTerior Compact
Placa compacta Duropal XTerior Compact

Atragator din punct de vedere vizual si extrem de rezistent, Duropal XTerior Compact combina rezistenta la UV si la intemperii. Vine intr-o gama larga de culori si este finisat cu o textura de suprafata mata cu granulatie fina. Calitatile unice ale placii XTerior Compact fac posibila transferarea armonioasa a culorilor interioare si a conceptelor de design pe terase, mobilier de gradina si fatade. Placa compacta Xterior are miez negru si este disponibila si in calitate ignifuga. Gama de placi lacuite Pfleiderer acopera asadar o varietate extrem de mare de utilizari: sisteme de fatada; mobila de gradina; pereti/paravane de intimitate; acoperisuri; balcoane; echipamente de joaca; etc.

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On their own account: Pfleiderer administration building Arnsberg
On their own account: Pfleiderer administration building Arnsberg
Pfleiderer used its own products and solutions, both in the interior and on the exterior
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