Conductive floor StoCretec StoPox KU 614

Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614

StoFloor ESD KU 614 conductive floor featuring the very latest technology

Conductive floors protect electronic sensitive components against damage caused by electrostatic discharge. They are also able to prevent explosions in locations where combustible media are stored or dust-laden environments, for example. StoFloor ESD KU 614 is StoCretec’s new volume-conductive coating build-up. Featuring the very latest technology, it delivers reliable protection for ESD areas.

StoFloor ESD KU 614 meets all applicable ESD standards. Its ESD performance and mechanical resistance are outstanding. An additional sealing coat is not required, saving time during installation. The conductivity of the StoPox KU 614 epoxy resin coating is virtually independent of relative humidity. Even at low humidity of 12%, the requirements of applicable ESD standards with regard to conductivity are met in full.

The epoxy resin, which is available in numerous colour shades, has more impressive strings to its bow in addition to its functional properties. Since there are no carbon fibres present, the floor coating has a very homogeneous appearance and can even be applied in light colour shades. Furthermore, the material has excellent flow properties. StoPox KU 614 is used primarily on mineral substrates in new buildings and refurbishment projects.

Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614
Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614


  • Volume-conductive
  • Complies with DIN EN 61340-5-1 and ANSI / ESD-S20.20-2014
  • Complies with TRGS 727
  • Complies with DIN VDE 0100-410 when used with StoPox WL 118
  • Conductivity verified at 12% relative humidity
  • Salt-free, no ionic liquids
  • Highly resistant to mechanical stress
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Verification of coating compatibility for use in the automotive industry obtained
  • Limited tintability in accordance with RAL colour chart and StoColor System
  • Light colour shades possible.

Areas of application:

  • Interior
  • As a tinted electrically conductive coating for industrial flooring with increased requirements for protection from electrostatic discharge
  • On cementitious substrates in contact with the ground.
Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614
Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614
  1. Substrate
  2. Primer: StoPox GH 205
  3. Levelling coat: StoPox GH 205 + StoQuarz
  4. Conductive strip: StoDivers LB 100
  5. Conductive layer: StoPox WL 110 or StoPox WL 118
  6. Coating: StoPox KU 614.
Produse mentionate in articol
Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614
Strat de acoperire pardoseala StoPox KU 614

Rezistenta ridicata la uzura, proprietati de nivelare foarte bune, conductiv de volum, indeplineste cerintele conform EN 61340-5-1 si conform DIN VDE 0100-410 in combinatie cu StoPox WL 118. In multe unitati de productie protectia impotriva descarcarilor electrostatice este vitala pentru crearea de produse finale fara erori. Straturile conductive de pe podea se numara printre metodele utilizate in aceste situatii sensibile. #StoCretec ofera o varietate de solutii pentru prevenirea si protejarea componentelor electronice sensibile la descarcarea electrostatica. Se utilizeaza la interior, ca un strat colorat, conductiv de electricitate pentru suprafetele de pardoseala industriala cu cerinte sporite pentru protectie ESD.

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Pardoseala industriala si strat de finisaj
Pardoseala industriala si strat de finisaj
Finisaj pentru pardoseala si perete, pavaj
Finisaj pentru pardoseala si perete, pavaj

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